




Global Education Futures Report

New Year Message 2024

Anti-Stress Recommendations for Self-Help

Stress & Anti-Stress
Quantum-Informational Framework with Methods






- ECPD Academic Programmes

- IASC, Holistic Approach

- KF, Holistic Approach

- Medical Data Review

- Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Research

- Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine

- Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine

- BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine

- Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine

- NeuroQuantology

- Journal of Cosmology

- Journal of Nonlocality

- USA, Integrative Medicine

- USA, Complementary & Alternative Medicine

- Europe, Complementary & Alternative Medicine

- ISSSEEM Energy Medicine

- INERGETIX Energetic-Informational Medicine

- AMSAT Electropuncture Diagnostics

- IMEDIS Bioresonance Diagnostics & Therapy

- GDV Bioelectrography

- Magnetotherapy

- PEAR/ICRL Consciousness Research

- CCS/TSC, Science of Consciousness

- Eternea, Science & Spirituality

- Transpersonal Psychology

- Family Constellations

- Spiritual Technologies

- Yoga

- Reiki

- Qigong

- Reconnection

- Theta Healing

- Quantum transformation





On Tesla inspired quantum-holographic non-local epigenetic cluefor improving integrative medicine & transpersonal psychology

On bioenergycorrection

On quantum-informational macrophenomena in biomedicine and holistic psychosomatics: Quantum-holographic framework

On quantum-holistic psychosomatics: Complete healing & Spiritual integration

The influence of EM radiation on
biological systems and humans 


On consciousness & free will

Nikola Tesla as a case study for
quantum-holographic correlations of
individual & collective consciousness:

creative & spiritual implications


Tesla’s inspired holistic questions of psychosomatics & spirituality


Tesla’s inspired holistic questions of creativity & education

Tesla’s Legacy for New Millennium: Path to Quantum-Holographic Primal Source

On quantum-holographic & trans-generational implications for child developement

On biophysical energy-informational nature of acupuncture system, consciousness and vital energy

On quantum-holographic bases and frontiers of integrative medicine and transpersonal psychology:
Psychosomatic, epistemological, and spiritual implications


Hopfield-like holographic framework for holistic psychosomatics _________________

On bioresonant attractors & healing boundary conditions within
quantum-holographic psychosomatics

Quantum-Informational Bases and Frontiers of Psychosomatic Integrative Medicine

Quantum-Holographic Bases of Psychosomatics and Spirituality: Contribution to Comparative Exploration of Science and Religion

Stress & Anti-Stress:  Holistic Quantum-informational Framework & Recommendations

Consciousness & Acupuncture: Psychosomatic-Cognitive Implications

States of Consciousness in Esoteric Practice

Persistent Paradox of
Psychic Phenomena


Near-Death Experience
in Survivors of Cardiac Arrest


EEG Correlates of Techniques Altering States of Consciousness

Psycho-Physiological Correlates of Transpersonal Communication

On Nature & Control of Creativity:
Tesla as a Case Study


Macroscopic Quantum Effects in Biophysics & Consciousness

Multi-level Synergetic Computation in Brain

Socio-emotional learning through FAUSTLOS in Germany

Quantum Effects in Photosynthesis

On Macroscopic Quantum Phenomena in Biomolecules & Cells: From Levinthal to Hopfield

Protein Folding as
Quantum Transition


DNK Waves & Water

Linguistic-Wave Genetics

Genome & Physics of the Alive

Biophotons & Theoretical Implications





Beyond These Horizons: Quantum Theory & Christian Faith

Whole-Self Approaches in Psychology & Medicine

Prenatal Psychology 100 Years

Psychological Trauma (PTPPPA 2015): Prenatal, Perinatal & Postnatal Aspects

Quantum-Informational Medicine QIM 2011

Introduction to Quantum Medicine

Bioresonance Therapy

Integrative Biophysics, Quantum Medicine & Quantum-Holographic Informatics:
Psychosomatic-Cognitive Implications


Consciousness: Scientific Challenge of 21. Century

Breath, Mind, and Consciousness

Mountin of Silence:
Search for Orthodox Spirituality


Quantum Healing: Exploring
Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine

Dying To Be Me:
My Journey from Cancer,
to Near Death, to True Healing


You Can Heal Your Life

Zero Limits: Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace...

PEAT: New Pathways

Memories, Dreams, Reflections

Healing Words: Power of Prayer & Practice of Medicine

Intention Experiment

Holographic Universe: Revolutionary Theory of Reality

Black Holes, Information &
String Theory:
Holographic Universe


Programming the Universe:
A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos


Our Mathematical Universe:
My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality


Decoding Reality: Universe as Quantum Information

God`s Undertaker:
Has Science Buried God?


Consciousness & Source of Reality: PEAR Odyssey

Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in Quantum Reality

My Inventions:
Autobiography of Nikola Tesla

Spectrum of Consciousness

Autobiography of a Yogi

A Separate Reality

Life After Life:
Investigation of Phenomenon – Survival of Bodily Death


Journey of Souls:
Case Studies of
Life Between Lives

Beyond Past Lives

Tibetan Book of the Dead

Fire in the Heart: Healers,
Sages & Mystics


Soul After Death

Mutant Message Down Under

Eliade Guide to World Religions