In spite of significant financial and human resources engaged in biomedical investigations and health prophylaxis, human health is still jeopardized by numerous modern psychosomatic diseases, having its convenient ground in modern men exposed to everyday stress, caused by accelerated living rhythm, macro- and micro-climate aeroionic disturbances, and increased interpersonal, inter-ethnical, and inter-religious conflicts - the whole Balkans region was faced with in the past decade of the XX century.
Although the problem of stress is now especially important in the Balkans, it is not less important in industrially most developed countries. At the beginning of the eighties the famous American magazine Time chose for its headline "Stress: Epidemic of Eighties", and Professor Paul Rosch, president of the American Institute of Stress, pointed out that numerous studies showed that the problem was even amplified, and that 75-90% visits to physicians are related to stress. Also, the World Health Organization has recently described the job stress as a "world epidemic", and in report of United Nations at the beginning of nineties it was marked as a "disease of XX century"; at the same time, it was estimated that 60-80% job accidents were caused by stress. Finally, recent investigations undoubtedly confirmed important role of the stress in development of different psychosomatic disorders: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, dermatological, rheumatic, immunologic, neurological, and psychiatric.
Since conventional partial methods have failed to prevent and treat these health problems, new approaches are required which will include holistic methods, oriented in healing the man as a whole - but not a disease which is only a symptom of the disordered wholeness. Within the focus of these traditional and modernized methods are the human acupuncture system, consciousness, and programmed active relief, important psychosomatic global regulators of health.
In this context, an international level of Serbian investigations in these fields should be pointed out, confirmed also during the past years in very difficult conditions, with key-point contributions to biophysical understanding of electromagnetic/ionic nature of acupuncture system and its relationship to consciousness and psychosomatic disorders. This was the main motivation for the founding of International Anti-Stress Center (IASC) in Belgrade, at the beginning of March 1999, in order to promote organized investigation, development, and continuous education in the field of novel anti-stress holistic technologies, through development of international multidisciplinary scientific, educational, medical, and technological cooperation in the wider fields of consciousness, traditional medicine, and bioengineering - with special emphasis on research concerning the stress influence on contemporary psychosomatic diseases, contributing to public stress reduction and psychosomatic health, generally throughout the world and especially within our region, as well as to development of scientific models of behavior based on morality and interpersonal tolerance. Also, the very representative list of domestic and international IASC advisers, is indicative of the full importance of the IASC founding in Belgrade appears, contributing to international affirmation of International Anti-Stress Center (IASC) in Belgrade, Serbia, and its inclusion in contemporary scientific trends in this highly important multidisciplinary field.
At the beginning of March 2009, IASC celebrated its tenth anniversary, unfortunately under still difficult economical circumstances in Serbia. Within the framework of the IASC organization, in spite of the very difficult past years, IASC prevention-educational program in Belgrade is still functioning, with applications of IASC holistic methods in prevention and therapy of stress and stress-induced psychosomatic diseases, oriented to healing the man as a whole (microwave resonance therapy, Eastern massage, aeroionotherapy, autogenic training, programmed active relief). In this context, IASC has imported several contingents of airoionizers (small for rooms and big for working places), which are included within complete IASC anti-stress offer. In order to improve IASC holistic diagnostics of the bodily functional state, several electrodiagnostic computerized systems were imported, based on the measurements of electrodermal conductivity down 22 directions during multiple cross-scanning of the weak electrical test signal, followed by statistical analysis of their deviations from the nominal states of the representative zones - and related organs and organic systems according to acupuncture practice - which represents an excellent aid for physicians in the control and improvement of the applied holistic anti-stress prophylaxis and reflexotherapy in IASC anti-stress centers.
During March/April 1999 IASC was planning to organize three anti-stress holistic programs (Belgrade, Kanjiza, Banja Luka), which had to be postponed because of the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia. In the meantime, IASC anti-stress holistic program was organized in Kanjiza Spa during the period September 1999/January 2000, for physicians collaborating with IASC Anti-Stress Center in Kanjiza. Besides, IASC organized several specialized educations for physicians interested in acupuncture, microwave resonance therapy, and magnetotherapy), while several other specialized programs (autogenic training, body psychotherapy, ...) are still waiting for practical realization. Finally, IASC also realized numerous educative popular courses in autogenic training, Bates exercises for better eyesight, and massage with bodycare.
The basis of these educational activities are methods and devices for healing stress-induced psychosomatic disorders, focused on acupuncture system (microwave resonance therapy, Eastern massage, aeroionotherapy, ...) and consciousness (autogenic training, ...), with the emphasis on practical work in anti-stress holistic prophylaxis and therapy, as well as on theoretical overview of the most contemporary scientific and expert knowledge in these fields, given by renown lecturers, and presented in two significant IASC Anti-Stress Holistic Handbooks (published in 1999), devoted primarily to physicians educated by IASC to work in medical institutions.
In order to minimize potential psychosomatic disorders caused by NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, IASC was also conducting continuous humanitarian instructions on anti-stress holistic self-aid, including IASC anti-stress courses in autogenic training.
It should be pointed out that IASC members were scientifically productive during the past years, when numerous significant contributions (papers in scientific journals and reports at scientific conferences) in the fields of consciousness, traditional medicine and bioengineering were published. Among them the unique monograph of professor Dejan Raković, Integrative Biophysics, Quantum Medicine, and Quantum-Holographic Informatics: Psychosomatic-Cognitive Implications (IASC & IEPSP, 2009) should be recommended.
President of |
President of |
President of |
Prof. Dr. Djuro Koruga |
Prof. Dr. Predrag Radenovic |
Prof. Dr. Dejan Rakovic |
Currently, there is a tremendous interest in potentiating health. Yet, in spite of significant financial and human resources engaged in biomedical investigations and health prophylaxis, human health is still jeopardized by numerous modern psychosomatic diseases, having its convenient ground in modern men exposed to everyday stress [1,2]. Since conventional partial methods have failed to prevent and treat these health problems, new approaches are required which will include holistic methods, oriented to healing the man as a whole - but not the disease which is only a symptom of the disordered wholeness. Within the focus of these traditional methods are the human consciousness and acupuncture system [2], as well as programmed active relief [3] significant psychosomatic global regulators of health.
Theoretical predictions of the biophysical model of altered and transitional states of consciousness [4-8] imply an ionic nature of the qi entity of the Chinese acupuncture system, with possibility of its partial displacements from the skin surface in these states (when the displaced part of ionic acupuncture structure would have a function of an "optical" sensor closely related to consciousness, as reported in different transpersonal interactions). In this framework, the positive ions have catabolic influence (yang) and flow predominantly through the right circulatory part of the acupuncture system, while the negative ions have anabolic influence (yin) and flow predominantly through the left circulatory part of the acupuncture system. Therefore, the role of acupuncture stimulation might be the balancing of activity of the positive and negative ions within the body, corresponding to normal healthy condition. This also implies the significance of aeroionic balance [2,4,8,9] and regular rhythmical breathing, recognized in Indian tradition: according to swara yoga [10] the rhythmical breathing through nose is especially important, in order to inhale as many as possible aeroions (prana) within the two (of three) most significant nadis (the left ida and the right pingala), with their entrances in corresponding nostrils. This is recommended in fresh and nonpoluted air, when even some excess of negative ions exists, with the relaxing healthy influence on the body; in the same context, in closed environments a microclimate engineering can be recommended by applying aeroionizers which produce an excess of negative ions.
According to the biophysical model of altered states of consciousness [4-8], dreams and related hallucinogenic states are characteristics of the low-dielectric altered states of consciousness with displaced part of ionic acupuncture system, characterized by relativistic mixing of normally conscious and unconscious contents, and extremely dilated subjective time base (as the subjective reference frame of consciousness is postulated to be related to electromagnetic field of brainwaves in the nonhomogeneous parts of biophysical ionic structures). Therefore, the role of dreams is integration of normally conscious and normally unconscious contents, giving rise to integration of human personality around healthy associative memory ego-state, which results in growth of personality and alleviation of emotional conflicts! On the same grounds, meditation, as a prolonged altered state of consciousness, enables more efficient integration of personality; however, in the case of persons with strong psychological conflicts, who bear strong conflicting associative memory states alongside with the healthy associative memory ego-state, the result of prolonged meditation might be integration of personality around these associative memory states, with a harmful result of a divided (instead of fully integrated) personality. Theoretical modeling of cognitive processes [5,6] also accounts for excellent prophylactic characteristics of autogenic training [2,11], as the most contemporary method of medical relaxation [12] which helps contextual messages to be associatively memorized at the subconscious level, from where they contribute to softening of undesired psychosomatic reactions to everyday stressogenic situations, although the practice reveals that this mechanism is not sufficiently efficient for persons with strong psychological conflicts too. For such persons, the main priority is resolving of their psychological conflicts by some psychotherapeutic practice (oriented to recognition of the origin of unconscious conflict and its ascending to conscious level, diminishing corresponding unconscious conflicting associative memory state, which enables further integration of personality around healthy associative memory ego-state), or some meridian (psychoenergetic) therapy [13] (with very fast removing of persistent phobias, allergies and other psychosomatic disorders, through a "smearing" of memory attractors of the psychosomatic disorders during successive tapping/touching acupuncture points alongside with visualisation of the psychosomatic problems, owing to successive imposing new boundary conditions in the acupuncture energy-state space [6]), or transpersonal Christian/religious technique (with probably essential transpersonal aspect of psychological conflict and necessity of its simultaneous transpersonal reprogramming in all persons involved, contributing to its radical and final reprogramming at the level of spatio-temporal associative memory network of collective consciousness, which seems to be only possible through prayer in transitional states of consciousness) [6-8].
Besides its practical medical aspects, Chinese (and Indian) traditional medicine is deeply colored with mystical connotations, which was one of the reasons why Western science has been hardly accepting experiences of Eastern tradition. The second reason was that within the 12 visceral organs corresponding to the 12 paired meridians, Chinese tradition has not included the brain and endocrine glands: however, in the past few decades it was found that the acupuncture system was in close functional interaction with both central nervous system and endocrine system, as well as with peripheral and autonomous nervous systems [2,14-16]. The final reason was a lack of clear anatomical basis of the Chinese acupuncture system: however, new investigations of specific intercell channels (so called gap junctions, an evolutionary older type of intercell communications, transporting ionic electrical signals between excitable cells, whose conductivity can be modulated by intracell pH-factor, Ca2+-ions, neurotransmitters and second messengers, and even by voltage [17]) have shown their significantly increased concentration inside the acupuncture points [18].
A better organization of cell structures and an ionic basis of the qi entity of the acupuncture system is also suggested by ~ 10 times higher skin electrical conductivity of the acupuncture points in respect to the surrounding tissue, as well as much higher reabsorption of aeroions in these points [15]. Ionic acupuncture currents, and accompanying electromagnetic fields, have ultralowfrequency (ULF) and microwave (MW) components, i.e. the MW component is modulated by the ULF component [2,4,8], this being in overall agreement with the frequency and power windowing in tissue interactions with weak electromagnetic fields [19]. In support to the ULF nature of ionic currents in acupuncture channels, one can cite the resonance ULF (~ 4 Hz) stimulation of the acupuncture analgesia endorphin mechanism [20]. On the other hand, the evidence for the MW component of ionic acupuncture currents is provided by resonant MW (~ 50-80 GHz) therapy [21,22], efficient even in very serious diseases [21-23], implying that acupuncture system is a dynamic structure differentiated at the locations of maximums of three-dimensional standing waves, formed as a result of the reflection of coherent microwave (~ 100 GHz [24]) Frohlich excitations of molecular sub-units in the cell membranes, proteins, microtubules etc. - supported also by other investigations which have demonstrated that differentiation of gap junctions (of higher density at acupuncture points) is slightly sensitive to voltage [17]. In that context the explanation for efficiency of the microwave resonance therapy (MRT), as noninvasive nonmedicamentous medical treatment, should be sought [2,8,23]: some disorders in the organism give rise to deformation in the standing wave structure of electrical field of the organism in MW region, which influences corresponding changes in spatial structure of the acupuncture system, and consequently resonant frequencies of its meridians, resulting in some disease. During the therapy, applying the MW sound at corresponding acupuncture point the excited acupuncture system of the patient is relaxing to the previous healthy condition, while reaching its normal resonant frequencies responses upon the wide spectrum MW source - and following to physiological mechanisms of the acupuncture regulation [14-16] the organism biochemically overcomes the disease. At the same time this presents an explanation [1,5,6,23] for the sensitivity of the organism on the influences of extremely weak external MW/ULF electromagnetic fields [19], through MW/ULF electromagnetic induction within electromagnetic/ionic circulatory acupuncture system, thus modulating acupuncture currents by external electromagnetic fields, without any limitations by threshold potentials which do not even exist within gap junction electrical synapses of the acupuncture system [17].
The quantum-like coherent characteristics of the MRT (sharply-resonant sensory response of the disordered organism, extremely low-intensity and low-energy non-thermal biologically efficient MW electromagnetic radiation, and negligible MW energy losses down acupuncture meridians) should be also pointed out [22], which might be viewed as a consequence of the existence of Sit'ko's non-local self-consistent biological macroscopic quantum potential, which might give rise to non-linear coherent EM MW long-range maser-like excitations of biological non-linear absorption medium with the cells as active centers - with acupuncture meridians related to eigenfrequences and spatio-temporal eigenwaves distributions of every individual biological quantum system. This suggests that healthy state might be considered as an absolute minimum (ground state) of the non-local self-consistent macroscopic quantum potential of the organism, some disorders of an acupuncture system corresponding to higher minima of the (spatio-temporally changeable) potential hypersurface in energy-configuration space [2,6,23], which possibly explains the higher sensory responses of the more excited (more disordered) acupuncture system, and poor MRT sensory response of the healthy acupuncture system being already in the ground state. Such a picture is very close to the associative neural networks in their energy-configuration spaces [2,6,23], and to pattern recognition as convergence of the neural networks to the bottoms of the potential hypersurface, being the attractors of neural networks memory patterns [25,26]. This also supports the electromagnetic/ionic MW/ULF quantum-holographic function of the acupuncture system (like complex oscillatory holographic Hopfield neural network [26]), and its essential relation to (complex-valued quantum relativistic) consciousness, as strongly suggested from the modeling of altered and transitional states of consciousness [2,4-8,23].
Finally, a necessity of programmed active relief should be pointed out [3]. It is known that the general stress mechanism prepares the organism for intense physical activity, through evolutionary developed two-phase mechanism of the stress [1,2]: (1) mobilization of the energetic and physiological potentials of the organism - preparation for defense, attack, or escape; and (2) intense physical activity - muscular strain which is spending the hormones, sugars, and fats injected into the blood during the first phase. As daily social stressful situations do not demand from contemporary people adequate physical activity as a reaction on the stress, such omission of the second phase of stress can produce many psychosomatic diseases - and for these situations programs of kinesiologic/sports reactions [3] are recommended.
The above breakthroughs in the biophysical aspects of consciousness and traditional medicine are the main motivation for the founding of International Anti-Stress Center in Belgrade [27], which will moderate the following activities of research, development, education/advising/prophylaxis, diagnostics, curing, rehabilitation, and distribution:
IASC RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (R&D): Consciousness and Traditional Medicine / Research and Bioengineering (Theory/Experiment/Seminars, Polygraphic Hardware & Software, Biofeedback Devices, MRT Devices, Acupuncture Set, EM Field Detectors, Ionic Detectors, Aeroionizers ...).
IASC EDUCATION & RELAXATION: Electrodermal Computerized Diagnostics, Acupuncture (Microwave Resonance Therapy (MRT), Magnetotherapy, Laserotherapy, ... ), Eastern Massage, Psychophysical Relaxation Techniques (Autogenic Training & Biofeedback, Aeroionotherapy & Breath Control, Yoga & Meditation, Hesychasm & Transpersonal Stress Reprogramming, ...), Programmed Active Relief Programs of Kinesiologic/Sports Recreations, Aerobic Ball Program, ...), Healthy Nutrition (Dietetics, Vegetarian, Macrobiotics ...).
IASC MARKET & SERVICE: Bioengineering Set (Electrodermal Computerized Diagnostics, MRT Devices, Acupuncture Set, Aeroionizers, Ionic Detectors, EM Field Detectors, Biofeedback Devices, Polygraphic Hardware & Software, Aerobic Ball Set, ..); Holistic Literature (Traditional Medicine, Nutrition, Consciousness, Religion).
H.Seley, Stress without Distress (Hodder, Stouphton, NY, 1974).
Group of authors, Anti-Stress Holistic Handbook, With Fundamentals of Acupuncture, Microwave Resonance Therapy, Relaxation Massage, Airoionotherapy, Autogenic Training, and Consciousness (IASC, Belgrade, 1999), with contributions of S.Bojanin, D.Djordjevic, Z.Jovanovic-Ignjatic, Dj.Koruga, D.Lekic, D.Mandic, P.Radenovic, D.Rakovic, S.Conic, A.Skokljev, and N.Sobat; E.L.Macheret and A.O.Korkushko, Anti-Stress Holistic Handbook: Supplement of MRT Anti-Stress Prophylaxis and Therapy I (IASC, Belgrade, 1999), in Serbian & Russian.
M.Blagajac, Programmed Active Relief (M.Blagajac, Belgrade, 1992), in Serbian; M.Blagajac, Theory of Sports Recreation (M.Blagajac, Belgrade, 1994), in Serbian.
D.Rakovic, Neural networks, brainwaves, and ionic structures: Acupuncture vs. altered states of consciousness, Acup. & Electro-Therap. Res., The Int. J. 16 (1991), pp. 88-99; D.Rakovic, Fundamentals of Biophysics (Grosknjiga, Belgrade, 1994; 1995; IASC & IEFPG, Belgrade, 2008), Chs. 5-6, in Serbian; D.Rakovic, Brainwaves, neural networks, and ionic structures: Biophysical model for altered states of consciousness, in D.Rakovic and Dj.Koruga, eds., Consciousness: Scientific Challenge of the 21st Century (ECPD, Belgrade, 1995; 1996); D.Rakovic, Prospects for conscious brain-like computers: Biophysical arguments, Informatica (Special Issue on Consciousness as Informational Phenomenalism) 21 (1997), pp. 507-516; D.Rakovic and M.Dugic, A critical note on the role of the quantum mechanical "collapse" in quantum modeling of consciousness, Informatica 26 (2002), pp. 85-90; D.Rakovic, M.Dugic, and M.M.Cirkovic, Macroscopic quantum effects in biophysics and consciousness, NeuroQuantology ( 2(4) (2004) 237-262.
D.Rakovic, Hierarchical neural networks and brainwaves: Towards a theory of consciousness, in Lj.Rakic, G.Kostopoulos, D.Rakovic, and Dj.Koruga, eds., Brain & Consciousness: Proc. ECPD Workshop (ECPD, Belgrade, 1997); D.Rakovic, On brain's neural networks and brainwaves modeling: Contextual learning and psychotherapeutic implications, in B.Lithgow and I.Cosic, eds., Biomedical Research in 2001: Proc. 2nd Conf. IEEE/EMBS (Vic) (IEEE/EMBS Victorian Chapter, Melbourne, 2001).
D.Rakovic, Biophysical bases and frontiers of (quantum)holistic psychosomatics, in V.Jerotic, Dj.Koruga, and D.Rakovic, eds., Science - Religion - Society (Theological Faculty of Serbian Orthodox Church & Serbian Ministry of Religions, Belgrade, 2002), in Serbian; D. Rakovic, Hopfield-like quantum associative neural networks and (quantum) holistic psychosomatic implications, in B. Reljin and S. Stankovic, eds., Proc. NEUREL-2002 (IEEE Yugoslavia Section, Belgrade, 2002); D. Rakovic and M. Dugic, Quantum and classical neural networks for modeling two modes of consciousness: Cognitive implications, in B. Reljin and S. Stankovic, eds., Proc. NEUREL-2004 (IEEE Yugoslavia Section, Belgrade, 2004); D. Rakovic and A. Vasic, Classical-neural and quantum-holographic informatics: Psychosomatic-cognitive implications, in B. Reljin, S. Stankovic, eds., Proc. NEUREL-2008 (IEEE Serbia & Montenegro Section, Belgrade, 2008); D.Rakovic, Integrative Biophysics, Quantum Medicine, and Quantum-Holographic Informatics: Psychosomatic-Cognitive Implications (IASC & IEPSP, Belgrade, 2009).
D.Rakovic, Towards a new/old humanism: Transitional states of consciousness as a clue, in Lj.Rakic, G.Kostopoulos, D.Rakovic, and Dj.Koruga, eds., Brain and Consciousness, Proc. ECPD Symposium (ECPD, Belgrade, 1997); D.Rakovic, Transitional states of consciousness as a biophysical basis of transpersonal transcendental phenomena, Int. J. Appl. Sci. & Computat. 7 (2000), pp. 174-187 (also presented at Int. Conf. Consciousness in Science & Philosophy, Charleston, IL, USA, 1998); D. Rakovic and M. Dugic, Quantum-holographic and classical Hopfield-like associative nnets: Implications for modeling two cognitive modes of consciousness, Opticheskii J., 72(5) (2005) 13-18 (Special Issue on Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics ‘Optics Meets Optika’, Saint-Petersburg, 18-21 Oct. 2004); D. Rakovic, Scientific
bases of quantum-holographic paradigm, in I. Kononeko, ed, Proc. Int. Conf. Measuring Energy Fields (Kamnik, Slovenia, 2007), invited lecture; D. Rakovic, Quantum-coherent and classical-reduced modes of consciousness: religious and epistemologic implications, in V.Jerotic, M.Arsenijevic, P. Grujic, and D.Rakovic, eds., Religion and Epistemology (Dereta, Belgrade, 2007), in Serbian; D. Rakovic, Z. Mihajlovic Slavinski, M. Sovilj, S. Pantelic, N. Stevovic, J. Bojovic, I. Dzamic, S. Jovicic, Dj. Baljozovic, M. Ostojic, M. Tomasevic, D. Radenovic, P. Sukovic, and L. Skaric, Meridian (psycho)therapies and techniques altering states of consciousnesss: phenomenology, psycho-physiological correlates, and quantum-holographic psychosomatic-cognitive implications, in D. Cvetkovic and I. Cosic, eds., States of Consciousness: Experimental Insights into Meditation, Waking, Sleep and Dreams (Springer-Verlag Physics Editorial for The Frontiers Collection, Berlin, 2009), in preparation.
D.Rakovic, Traditional medicine and traditional psychology: Biophysical bases of psychosomatic disorders and transpersonal stress reprogramming, in B.Lazetic and K.V.Sudakov, eds., Basic and Clinical Aspects of the Theory of Functional Systems (Medical Faculty, Novi Sad & P.K.Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology RAM, Moscow, 1998); D.Rakovic, Biophysical frontiers of holistic psychosomatics, in I.Kononenko, ed., New Science of Consciousness: Proc. 3rd Int. Multi-Conf. Information Society IS'2000 (IS, Ljubljana, 2000).
L.L.Vasilyev, Theory and Practice of Aeroionic Therapy (Leningrad, 1951), in Russian; A.A.Minkh, Air Ionization and Its Hygienic Significance (Medgiz, Moscow, 1963), in Russian; A.P.Krueger, Preliminary consideration of the biological significance of air ions, Scientia 104 (1969), pp. 1-17.
H.Johari, Breath, Mind, and Consciousness (Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, 1989).
J.H. Schultz, Das Autogene Training (Thieme, Stuttgart, 1951), 7. izd; H.Lindemann, Autogenic Training (Prosvjeta, Zagreb, 1976), Serbocroat translation.
A. Poro, Encyclopedia of Psychiatry (Nolit, Belgrade, 1990), Serbian translation.
R.J. Callahan, J. Callahan, Thought Field Therapy and Trauma: Treatment and Theory, Indian Wells, CA, 1996; R.J. Callahan, R. Trubo, Tapping the Healer Within, Contemporary Books, NY, 2001; R.J. Callahan, “The impact of thought field therapy on heart rate variability (HRV)”, J. Clin. Psychol., Oct. 2001, see also; Ž. Mihajlović Slavinski, PEAT and Neutralization of Primeval Polarities (Belgrade, 2001).
A.I.Skokljev, Acupuncturology (ICS, Belgrade, 1976), in Serbian.
F.G.Portnov, Electropuncture Reflexotherapeutics (Zinatne, Riga, 1982), in Russian.
Y.Omura, Acupuncture Medicine: Its Historical and Clinical Background (Japan Publ. Inc., Tokyo, 1982).
E.R.Kandel, S.A.Siegelbaum, and J.H.Schwartz, Synaptic transmission, in E.R.Kandel, J.H.Schwartz, and T.M.Jessell, eds., Principles of Neural Science (Elsevier, New York, 1991), Ch.9; M.V.L.Benett, L.C.Barrio, T.A.Bargiello, D.C.Spray, E.Hertzberg, and J.C.Ssez, Gap junctions: New tools, new answers, new questions, Neuron 6 (1991), pp. 305-320.
S.E.Li, V.F.Mashansky, and A.S.Mirkin, Lowfrequency wave and vibrational processes in biosystems, in K.V.Frolov, ed., Vibrational Biomechanics. Using Vibrations in Biology and Medicine, Part I: Theoretical Bases of Vibrational Biomechanics (Nauka, Moscow, 1989), Ch.3, in Russian; D.Djordjevic, Electrophysiological Investigations of the Mechanisms of Reflexotherapeutics, M.S. Thesis (Medical Faculty, Belgrade, 1995), Ch. 1.2, in Serbian.
W.R.Adey, Frequency and power windowing in tissue interactions with weak electromagnetic fields, Proc. IEEE 68 (1980), pp. 119-125, and references therein.
B.Pomeranz, Acupuncture research related to pain, drug addiction and nerve regeneration, in Scientific Bases of Acupuncture, B.Pomeranz and G.Stux, eds. (Springer, Berlin, 1989), pp. 35-52; G.Fischer, Grundlagen der Quanten-Therapie (Hecataeus Verlagsanstalt, Triesenberg, 1996).
N.D.Devyatkov, Influence of the millimeter wavelength range electromagnetic radiation upon biological objects, Soviet Physics - Uspekhi 110 (1973), pp. 452-469; N.D.Devyatkov and
O.Betskii, eds., Biological Aspects of Low Intensity Millimeter Waves (Seven Plus, Moscow, 1994).
Ye.A.Andreyev, M.U.Bely, and S.P.Sit'ko, Manifestation of characteristic eigenfrequencies of human organism, Aplication for the Discovery to the Commitee of Inventions and Discovery at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, No. 32-OT-10609, 22 May 1982, in Russian; S.P.Sit'ko, Ye.A.Andreyev, and I.S.Dobronravova, The whole as a result of self-organization, J. Biol. Phys. 16 (1988), pp. 71-73; S.P.Sit'ko and V.V.Gizhko, Towards a quantum physics of the living state, J. Biol. Phys. 18 (1991), pp. 1-10; S.P.Sit'ko, ed., Miscellany of Methodological Recommendations and Regulations in Microwave Resonance Therapy (MRT) (Vidguk, Kiev, 1992), in Russian; S.P.Sit'ko and L.N.Mkrtchian, Introduction to Quantum Medicine (Pattern, Kiev, 1994).
Z.Jovanovic-Ignjatic and D.Rakovic, A review of current research in microwave resonance therapy: Novel opportunities in medical treatment, Acup. & Electro-Therap. Res., Int. J. 24 (1999), pp. 105-125; D.Rakovic, Z.Jovanovic-Ignjatic, D.Radenovic, M.Tomasevic, E.Jovanov, V.Radivojevic, Z.Martinovic, P.Sukovic, M.Car, and L.Skaric, An overview of microwave resonance therapy and EEG correlates of microwave resonance relaxation and other consciousness altering techniques, Electro- and Magnetobiology 19 (2000), pp. 193-220 (also presented at 10th Int. Montreux Congress on Stress, Montreux, Switzerland, 1999).
H.Frohlich, Long-range coherence and energy storage in biological systems, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 2 (1968), pp. 641-649; H.Frohlich, Theoretical physics and biology, in H.Frohlich, ed., Biological Coherence and Response to External Stimuli (Springer, New York, 1988); G.Kekovic, D.Rakovic, M.Sataric, and Dj.Koruga, A kink-soliton model of charge transport through microtubular cytoskeleton, Mater. Sci. Forum 494 (2005), pp. 507-512.
J.J.Hopfield, Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79 (1982), pp. 2554-2558; D.Amit, Modeling Brain Functions: The World of Attractor Neural Nets (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989); H.Haken, Synergetic Computers and Cognition: A Top-Down Approach to Neural Nets (Springer, Berlin, 1991).
M.Perus, Neuro-quantum parallelism in mind-brain and computers, Informatica 20 (1996), pp. 173-183; M.Perus, Multi-level synergetic computation in brain, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 4 (2001), pp. 157-193.